Sl | Reference | Description | Date of Issue | Category |
1 | M/P(W)/368/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. N. PANDIYAN, TM-IV, SSE/P.Way/SLN, LKO Division, Northern Railway | 04-11-2024 | Posting order |
2 | M/P(W)/367/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. KASUKURTI BALAKOTAIAH, TM-III, SSE/P.Way/TPT, SA/Southern Railway | 04-11-2024 | Posting order |
3 | M/P1(W)/366/2024 | Inter Railway Mutual transfer in favour of Shri. DASARI SUDHAKAR (OBC), Junior Engineer/Works/MAS
Division/Southern Railway with Shri. SAJAN (GEN) Senior Section Engineer/Works working in SBC Division South
Western Railway on reversion as JE/Works on bottom Seniority | 29-10-2024 | Transfer |
4 | M/P1(W)/365/2024 | Appointment - CGA - Assistant Works - Level 1 - Works wing - Engg dept | 29-10-2024 | Appointment |
5 | M/P1(W)/364/2024 | Absorption of Trainee Junior Engineer/Bridges as Junior Engineer/Bridges in Level-6 of VII PC Pay Matrix –
Engineering Department | 29-10-2024 | Absorption of Trainee |
6 | M/P1(W)/363/2024 | Granting of financial upgradation under MACPs to the staff of SSE/W/Br./MS
and SSE/Bridges/MS Section of Engineering Department/Chennai Division. | 28-10-2024 | MACP |
7 | M/P(W)362/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. Gangiredla Appalanaidu, TM-IV, SSE/P.Way/O/AWY, TVC/Southern Railway | 25-10-2024 | Posting order |
8 | M/P1(W)/361/2024 | Termination of Service | 23-10-2024 | TERMINATION |
9 | M/P1(W)/360/2024 | Termination of Service | 23-10-2024 | TERMINATION |
10 | M/P(W)/ 359 /2024 | Posting of Bungalow Lascar as Assistant/Works in Engineering Department | 22-10-2024 | Posting order |
11 | M/P(W)/358/2024 Office | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. Ritesh Kumar, TM-IV, SSE/PWAY/O/S, SA/Southern Railway | 22-10-2024 | Posting order |
12 | M/P1(W)/357/2024 | Resignation of Shri A SUNDAR RAM , SSE/W/SG, P.F.No – 15209C00155 Chennai Division | 22-10-2024 | Resignation |
13 | M/P1(W)/356/2024 | Selection for promotion from Group”C” to Group”B” service for the post of AEN through 30%(LDCE-Spl.Drive) in
Engineering Department | 22-10-2024 | Promotion |
14 | M/P1(W)/355/2024 | Transfer of Shri Balaraman S Sr.Tech Welder/Bri of Engg. Dept | 22-10-2024 | Transfer |
15 | M/P(W)/354/2024 | Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers from Chennai Division/S. Rly to GNT Division/South Central
Railway | 21-10-2024 | Transfer |
16 | M/P(W)/353/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favor of Shri. PRABAKARAN. A, TM-II, SSE/P.Way/ALU/TPJ/Southern Railway | 21-10-2024 | Posting |
17 | M/P1(W)/352/2024 | Transfer/Posting of SSE-JE/Works | 21-10-2024 | Transfer |
18 | M/P(W)/351/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. VEERARAGHAVAN. M, TM-IV, SSE/P.Way/TPT/SA/Southern Railway | 18-10-2024 | Posting |
19 | M/P(W)/350/2024 | Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers from Chennai Division/S. Rly to GTL Division/South Central
Railway | 18-10-2024 | Transfer |
20 | M/P(W)/349/2024 | Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers from Chennai Division/S. Rly to BIR Division/Central Railway | 09-10-2024 | Transfer |
21 | M/P1(W)/348/2024 | Termination of service due to superannuation Retirement | 08-10-2024 | TERMINATION |
22 | M/P1(W)/347/2024 | Promotion to the post of Ch. OS Engineering Department In Level 7 of Pay Matrix(VII PC) | 04-10-2024 | Promotion |
23 | M/P1(W)346/2024 | Fill up vacancies – Tech-III Artizans - Level 2 -Bridge wing - Engg Dept | 04-10-2024 | filling up of Vacancies |
24 | M/P1(W)/345/2024 | Transfer/Posting of SSE/P.Way/AB to SSE/P.Way/TRT | 03-10-2024 | Transfer |
25 | M/P(W)/ 344 /2024 | Removal from Railway Service – Engineering Cadre
Chennai Division | 01-10-2024 | Removal |
26 | M/P(W)/ 342/2024 | promotion | 01-10-2024 | Promotion |
27 | M/P(W)343/2024 | promotion | 30-09-2024 | Promotion |
28 | M/P1(W)/339/2024 | Termination of Service | 30-09-2024 | TERMINATION |
29 | M/P1(W)/340/2024 | Posting of SSE/Works | 25-09-2024 | Posting order |
30 | M/P1(W)338/2024 | Posting of SSE/D&D | 24-09-2024 | Posting order |
31 | M/P(W)/337/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. NAGARAJAN. J, TM-IV, SSE/P.Way/VRI/TPJ Division, Southern Railway | 24-09-2024 | Posting order |
32 | M/P(W)/336/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. JAYACHANDRAN. S, TM-IV, SSE/P.Way/VRI/TPJ/Southern Railway | 24-09-2024 | Posting order |
33 | M/P1(W)/335/2024 | Transfer/Posting of JE/D&D/MAS to other Divisions/units | 20-09-2024 | Transfer |
34 | M/P(W)/ 334 /2024 | Removal from Railway Service – Engineering Cadre
Chennai Division | 19-09-2024 | Removal |
35 | M/P(W)/ 333 /2024 | Removal from Railway Service – Engineering Cadre
Chennai Division | 19-09-2024 | Removal |
36 | M/P(W)/ 332 /2024 | Removal from Railway Service – Engineering Cadre
Chennai Division | 18-09-2024 | Removal |
37 | M/P1(W)/331/2024 | Transfer &Posting of Automobile driver Engineering department | 18-09-2024 | Transfer |
38 | M/P(W)/330/2024 | Technical Resignation of Shri. RAMESH KUMAR, T. Man IV/SSE/PW/TRL | 17-09-2024 | Technical resigination |
39 | M/P1(W)/329/2024 | Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme – Engg. Cadre Chennai Division | 17-09-2024 | MACP |
40 | M/P1(W)328/2024 | Filling up of vacancies in Track Maintainer Gr-II in Level-4 of VII PC Of 2400(G.P) in SSE/P.WAY/TMV Section
MAS Division | 13-09-2024 | filling up of Vacancies |
41 | M/P1(W)/327/2024 | Termination of service due to superannuation Retirement | 11-09-2024 | TERMINATION |
42 | M/P1(W)/324/2024 | Permanent transfer of one Automobile Driver along with post of Engineering Department Chennai Division to
HQ/S.Rly | 11-09-2024 | Transfer |
43 | NO.M/P1(W)/315/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Tack Maintainer-III of P.Way wings of ENGG
Department in Level-2 of VII CPC Pay Matrix @ SSE/P.WAY/AVD | 10-09-2024 | filling up of Vacancies |
44 | M/P(W)/326/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. M.V. SANDEEP KUMAR J, TM-III, SSE/P.Way/VRI/TPJ/Southern Railway | 09-09-2024 | Posting order |
45 | O O No: M/ P1 (W) / 325 /2024 | Debarment of Promotion for the post of Ch.OS of
Engineering Department Chennai Division | 06-09-2024 | Debarmint of promoton |
46 | M/P1(W)/323/2024 | Promotion to the post of Senior Clerk in Level-5– | 05-09-2024 | Promotion |
47 | M/P(W)/321/2024 | Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers from Chennai Division/S. Rly to Salem Division/Southern
Railway | 02-09-2024 | IDMT |
48 | M/P(W)/320/2024 | Resignation of Shri. AJEET KUMAR PRABHAKAR, Track Maintainer IV/SSE/PW/TMV | 30-08-2024 | Resignation |
49 | NO.M/P1(W)/319/2024 | Posting order in favor of JE/D&D employee pertaining to Civil Engineering Dept. | 28-08-2024 | Posting order |
50 | M/P(W)/318/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. HARIOM MEENA, TM-III, of SSE/P.Way/PDKT/MDU/Southern Railway – | 28-08-2024 | Posting order |
51 | M/P(W)/316/2024 | Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers from Chennai Division/S. Rly to TVC Division/Southern
Railway | 27-08-2024 | IDMT |
52 | M/P(W)/314/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. DINESH KUMAR. V, TM-IV, SSE/P.Way/SBC/South Western Railway | 23-08-2024 | Posting order |
53 | M/P1(W)313/2024 | Filling up of vacancies in Track Maintainer Gr-III in Level-2 of VII PC of 1900(G.P) in SSE/P.WAY/TMV Section
MAS Division | 23-08-2024 | finning up of Vacancies |
54 | M/P(W)/311/2024 | Resignation of Shri. MANOHAR KUMAR, Track Maintainer IV/SSE/PW/CGL | 22-08-2024 | Resignation |
55 | NO.M/P(W)/309/2024 | Suitable for the post of Track Maintainer III in Level - 2 | 22-08-2024 | Suitability test |
56 | M/P(W)/310/2024 | Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers from Chennai Division/S. Rly to Salem Division/Southern
Railway | 21-08-2024 | IRMT |
57 | M/P(W)/308/2024 | Posting of TM-III in favor of Shri. UPENDRA PANDIT, TM-III, SSE/P.Way/MURI/RNC/South Eastern Railway | 21-08-2024 | Posting order |
58 | OFFICE ORDER No. M/P(W)/ 307 /2024 | Termination of Ex-Servicemen as Track maintainer IV on full
Time Contract basis in Engg. Dept./Chennai Division | 20-08-2024 | TERMINATION |
59 | M/P(W)/306/2024 | Voluntary Retirement of Shri. K. VENKATESAN, Track Maintainer II work in SSE/PWAY/WJR – Engineering
Department, Chennai Division | 16-08-2024 | VRS |
60 | O.O. No: M/P1(W)/305/2024 | Dibarmint of promoton from rafc Maintainir-IV in livil-1 to rafc Maintainir-III
in livil-2 | 16-08-2024 | Debarmint of promoton |
61 | M/P1(W)304/2024 | Filling up of vacancies in Track Maintainer Gr - III in Level - 2 at SSE/P.WAY/GDR section | 14-08-2024 | Promotion |
62 | M/P(W)/303/2024 Date : 14-08- | Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers from Chennai Division/S. Rly to GTL Division | 14-08-2024 | IRMT |
63 | M/P1(W)/302/2024 Date : 13-08- | Transfer of Ministerial Staff in Engineering Department | 13-08-2024 | Transfer |
64 | M/P(W)/300/2024 | Selection to the post of Staff Car Driver (Tech Gr. III) in Level 2 of VII CPC Pay Matrix – Civil Engg. Dept | 12-08-2024 | Selection |
65 | M/P(W)/299/2024 | Posting of Staff at Railway Recruitment Board/MAS | 12-08-2024 | TRACK MAINTAINER |
66 | M/P1(W)/297/2024 | Termination of service due to superannuation Retirement | 07-08-2024 | TERMINATION |
67 | M/P(W)/296/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. S. PONPANDI, TM-II, of SSE/P.Way/TN/MDU/Southern Railway | 06-08-2024 | TRACK MAINTAINER |
68 | M/P(W)/295/2024 | Posting of TM-IV in favour of Shri. RAHUL KUMAR, TM-IV, of SSE/P.Way/PUU/MDU/Southern Railway | 06-08-2024 | TRACK MAINTAINER |
69 | OFFICE ORDER No. M/P(W)/ 292 /2024 Sub: | Termination from Railway Service – Engineering Cadre
Chennai Division | 02-08-2024 | TERMINATION |
70 | M/P1(W)/290/2024 | Posting of General pool Automobile Driver in Engineering Department | 01-08-2024 | AUTOMOBILE DRIVER |
71 | M/P(W)/224/2024 | Posting order | 06-06-2024 | APPOINTMENT |
72 | M/P(W)/ 223 /2023 | Repatriation of General Assistant | 05-06-2024 | REPATRIATION |
73 | M/P1(W)/219/2024 | Repatriation of Instructor Works | 01-06-2024 | REPATRIATION |
74 | M/P1(W)/216/2024 | Debarment of Promotion | 31-05-2024 | DEBARMENT |
75 | M/P1(W)212/2024 | Training -Tech III Blacksmith | 30-05-2024 | TRAINING |
76 | M/P1(W)/208/2024 | Absorption of Trainee Junior Engineer | 25-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
77 | M/P1(W)/207/2024 | Termination of Service | 23-05-2024 | TERMINATION |
78 | M/P(W)/206/2024 | Granting of seniority on acquiring minimum Edu. qual. | 22-05-2024 | |
79 | M/P(ADMIN)48/2024 | Transfer of substitute Bungalow Lascar/TADK | 22-05-2024 | TRANSFER |
80 | M/P(W)/203/2024 | Transfer of Ballast Train Checker-BTC (Ex-Cadre) | 21-05-2024 | IDT/IRT |
81 | M/P1(W)/198/2024 | Filling up of Vacancies of Track Maintainer – III | 21-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
82 | M/P1(W)/197/2024 | Filling up of Vacancies of Track Maintainer – II | 21-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
83 | M/P(W)/202/2024 | Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers | 20-05-2024 | IRMT |
84 | M/P(W)/195/2024 | Selection for the post of Ballast Train Checker-BTC (Ex-Cadre) | 20-05-2024 | 20-05-2024 |
85 | M/P(W)/200/2024 | Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Track Maintainers | 17-05-2024 | IRMT |
86 | M/P(W)/199/2024 | Voluntary Retirement | 17-05-2024 | VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT |
87 | CORRIGENDUM-M/P(W)/194/2024 | Termination of services . | 17-05-2024 | TERMINATION (REMOVAL) |
88 | M/P1(W)/182/2024 | Technical Resignation | 16-05-2024 | TECHNICAL RESIGNATION |
89 | M/P(W)/180/2024 | Termination of Services | 16-05-2024 | TERMINATION (REMOVAL) |
90 | M/P(W)/178/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
91 | M/P(W)/177/2024 | Posting of Track Maintainer -IV | 15-05-2024 | IDT/IRT |
92 | M/P(W)/193/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
93 | M/P(W)/192/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
94 | M/P(W)/191/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
95 | M/P(W)/190/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
96 | M/P(W)/189/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
97 | M/P(W)/188/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
98 | M/P(W)/187/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
99 | M/P(W)/186/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
100 | M/P(W)/185/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
101 | M/P(W)/184/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
102 | M/P(W)/183/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
103 | M/P(W)/182/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
104 | M/P(W)/181/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
105 | M/P(W)/180/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
106 | M/P(W)/179/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer I | 15-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
107 | M/P(W)/176/2024 | Posting of Track Maintainer-IV | 14-05-2024 | IRMT |
108 | M/P(W)/175/2024 | Filling up of vacancies of Track Maintainer in Gr-II | 13-05-2024 | PROMOTION |
109 | M/Pl(W)/ 174/2024 | Financial upgradation under MACP scheme | 13-05-2024 | MACP |
110 | M/P1(W)/173/2024 | Termination of service due to superannuation Retirement | 09-05-2024 | TERMINATION |
111 | CORRIGENDUM | IRMT of Track Maintainers | 08-05-2024 | IRMT |
112 | M/P1(W)/171/2024 | Voluntary Retirement | 08-05-2024 | VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT |
113 | M/P(W)/172/2024 | IRMT of Track Maintainers | 07-05-2024 | IRMT |
114 | M/P(W)/169/2024 | Posting of TM-IV | 06-05-2024 | IRMT |
115 | M/P(W)/168/2024 | MACP Scheme – Engg. Cadre | 03-05-2024 | MACP PROMOTION |
116 | M/P(W)/167/2024 | IRMT of TM-IV | 03-05-2024 | IRMT |